Saturday, 4 June 2011

Popping my horror film cherry

This blog is for anyone new to the horror genre. I myself am a newly converted horror fan and have completely fallen in love with it. I will be reviewing old and new films, books, comics and discussing the "mythical" Rules of Horror Movies. I am basically sharing my newfound love for this genre, which may of course include a bit of ranting!

My cherry popped properly around 2007. I had tried many times before, but never felt much care for the genre. After watching a fair few films with my horror buff boyfriend and learning about the scene and the in-jokes,  I started to feel a real passion for splatter!
I realised I was hooked when I made my first Zombie Survival Plan after watching the George A. Romero classics, Night of the living Dead ,Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead. An obsession with zombies had started and I had also begun to branch out via Hellraiser to Children of the Corn and beyond. I was addicted and this is where this blog starts.

I am not a film critic, but because I am still new to this genre myself and have still so many films to see, I'd like to share my journey with other newcomers and perhaps help them to feel the same way that I do.

with zombie munching hearts and kisses
Madame Deggly Bones X

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